
Review of landslide hazard areas in Central Italy

The project consists of revising the P3 high landslide hazard and P4 very high landslide hazard areas of the PAI areas interacting with reconstruction forecasts in municipalities affected by the seismic events that occurred on or after August 24, 2016-2017.

The project is funded by ABDAC.

This project aims to initiate reconstruction activities in the municipalities affected by the seismic events through the joint elaboration of an updated cognitive framework of the areas already perimeter by the Plans for Hydrogeological Structure (PAI) on the territory of the areas affected by the earthquake of 2016/2017. In particular, through a multidisciplinary and synergistic study between photo-interpretation, satellite monitoring with SAR images and field surveys, the project has the concrete objective to re-evaluate the hazard attributed to each phenomenon among those classified P3 and P4, and to revise the PAI perimeters of the territory affected by the seismic sequence, through verification/deepening studies that will allow the updating of the “Landslide Hazard Map” for the territories of the 138 municipalities within the investigation area.

This study consists of two phases

  1. the first phase is oriented to the geometric verification of polygon perimeters, field geomorphological analysis and multi-temporal data analysis to estimate the current hazard level of each landslide phenomenon. This analysis is completed by InSAR monitoring, conducted on high resolution images from the COSMO Sky Med and Sentinel-1 constellations.
  2. The second phase is oriented to the deepening of the technical aspects related to the morphological evolution of the slopes through the execution of specific campaigns of geognostic/geotechnical/geophysical investigations and subsequent numerical modeling for the definition of the real level of stability and the preparation of a plan of interventions to mitigate the landslide hazard. In this phase it is foreseen the possible reclassification of some areas for which the results of interferometric analysis and stability verifications denote high levels of attention.


Paolo Mazzanti

Francesco Troiani

Salvatore Martino

Gabriele Amato

Marco Valiante

Giovanni Lavosi

Simone Ridolfi

Luca Casaburi

Gabriele Scarascia Mugnozza

Carlo Esposito

Francesca Vergari

Marta Zocchi

Massimo Morachioli

Francesca Reame

Davide Patelli

Giorgia Berardo

Francesca Bozzano

Marta Dalla Seta

Giulia Iacobucci

Michele Delchiaro

Giandomenico Mastrantoni

Roberta Marini

Daniele Inciocchi


Review of landslide hazard areas in Central Italy